Sex & you

Sex & you

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Irregular Periods – Causes

Although irregular periods are something that is happening quite often, this doesn’t mean that they should not be taken seriously. It is very important to find out what is the background of such cycles and what is the message that your body is trying to deliver. Every woman will face an irregular menstruation at some point in her life and although in most cases these irregularities are not dangerous it is very important to understand what causes these problems. The following is the list of most common causes of irregular periods.

1.       Stress
Stress is one of the most common causes of irregular menstruation and something that modern women have to deal with every day. The stress hormone cortisol affects the production of estrogen and progesterone (sex hormones) in our body. In case you have too much cortisol in the body, your period may be irregular. So, try to avoid stressful situations and follow some relaxing techniques.

2.       Pregnancy
The woman’s body during pregnancy produces different levels of hormones that cause cessation of the periods. However, in some cases, women experience less bleeding or delayed menstruation before the cessation caused by pregnancy. It is really important to make a difference between these two situations.

3.       Exercising
It it is good to point out that the body needs energy during menstruation. If you are spending too much energy in the gym or on home exercises, your body will be left without energy for the days of the month when you are experiencing the effects of menstruation. This doesn’t mean that you have to stop with physical activity during these days, but make sure to decrease the intensity.

4.       Nutrition
The food you consume can also be the cause of absence or irregularities of periods, just like overall weight. If you are consuming too much unhealthy carbs or you have gained significant amount of weight in a short period of time, your body will start to produce different levels of certain hormones which will again start to change when you ovulate. The same goes for the women who lose rapid amounts of weight.

5.       Polycystic ovary syndrome
Although this syndrome is not uncommon, in some women this syndrome causes the formation of cysts on the ovaries and interferes with the normal process of ovulation. Other symptoms of this syndrome are weight gain, infertility and excessive hairiness.

6.       Birth control pills
The body sometimes need up to several months in order to become accustomed to the level of hormones produced by the body after taking birth control pills. This is the period when women can expect irregular periods.

7.       Alcohol abuse
The liver regulates the menstrual cycle by metabolizing estrogen and progesterone production. Too much alcohol can cause serious liver damage and interfere the process of metabolizing of the previously mentioned hormones.

8.       Taking other drugs
If you have recently been ill and you are taking prescribed medications, menstruation can also be a little bit late.

Depending on the cause of irregular periods, your doctor may offer several solutions.